







i just think it bears repeating someone literally told me to hurt myself in response to me sticking up for myself and my opinions against homophobia and what fellow queer people are sending me messages about is how selfish 

And how much do you think you’re making me chuckle over here? Like for real, get off his dick

OP said people threatened him over something stupid and I called him out. You’re the one acting like it was some kind of personal offense.

[ridic shit cut]

seriously what the fuck is happening.

I AM NOT A GUY. I ALSO DON’T HAVE A FUCKING DICK FOR ANYONE TO SUCK. That is literally in the title of my blog and in my faq. Do you even think at all, much less think for yourself? 

the posts where I was told to hurt myself I literally posted on this blog. What are you “calling me out” on? you’re a ridiculous human being looking for attention. 

I appreciate the other person trying to stand up for me, thank you, but I really don’t appreciate seeing all this high-school shit and misogynist language in my dash. sugarpiewhat’syourface is blocked and this. needs. to. stop. 

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